Thursday, August 20, 2009

Choc Ganache for Mummy Lily

Lily from Setiawangsa ordered 25 pcs of this cake actually. Since I don't have the 12"x 12" box in stock, I had to use 2 boxes to pack the cuppies. The above is the 1st box. Lily is a 1st time mother to be, so bila orang mengandung teringin nak makan sesuatu.....kena la buat. No excuse!!
Thanks yer Lily for the order. Jangan lupa to leave some for your hubby.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Peep Show

These cuppies were ordered for a bachelorette party. Hmmm....girls just wanna have fun i guess. Hehehe

To Baini.....Thanks a lot...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Selamat Bertunang

This was specially made for Denny of Tasik Heights. It's for his niece's engagement in Seremban. My cuppies normally come in set of 25 pcs for Large or 36 pcs for Small

Thanks Denny for the order.

Pot Luck Cuppies

Seira has been my regular customers and this time she order this cuppies for a pot luck party at her friend's place.

Thanks Seira for the order.

Butter Cake

An order made for the wife of one of the Deputy Ministers.
She had ordered it earlier but I had to decline since I had lots of orders the previous week. So, since last week was not a busy baking week....I managed to bake for her

Thanks ya Datin for being patient tunggu cake u.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All The Best To You

This chocolate cake was ordered for a farewell gathering by one of my regular customers.

One of the cakes that I baked using my new oven. So problem. Just adjust the temperature, all cakes turned out to be just nice.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Dessert

Abg Nas of Selayang Baru ordered these cakes for a kenduri arwah. These are al butter cakes

Thanks Abg Nas