Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chocolate Ganache Cuppies

An order from Lily of Setiawangsa for her friends in conjuction with arrival of the Ramadhan.

Thanks Lily for the order

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Carrot Walnut Cuppies

A friend of mine got a new job with a new designation at another organisation. I therefore baked him this cuppies a farewell gift for him.

Rin.....wish u all the best!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cuppies Cuppies Cuppies

2 sets of cuppies ordered by Rafiq of Wangsa Maju for his officemates.
These are the buttercream cuppies.

Thank you Rafiq.

Carrot Walnut Cuppies - OBW 2011

This is another set of cuppies I brought to Ipoh during the OBW.

OBW 2011

On the 2 July 2011, I attended the Old Boys Weekend in Ipoh. It's a yearly event and was held in the school compound. For your info, I came from a boarding school. So....each year I try to make an effort to go back to my alma mater.

As for this year, I got an order from my ex schoolmate, Sukardy to bake a set of Red Velvet cuppies to be brought along for the OBW.

Thank you Sukardy for placing the order.

Chocolate Ganache Cuppies

A set of Chocolate Ganache cuppies ordered by Pa'in from Setiawangsa for his staff in Bangsar. The cuppies are made of coco mixture and flour.

Thanks Pa'in for the order.